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Bretforton Village School visit this morning.

🚔 PC Prentice from the Safer Neighbourhood Team and PC Graham from C shift attended Bretforton Village School this morning to engage with all of the year groups explaining the role of a police officer, how we help people and the types of roles within the police.

The kit was tried on and the lights and sirens were activated! Thank you to all the children for being so enthusiastic and asking lots of questions.

If you would like us to visit your school or organisation then please get in touch..

👮🏻‍♀️ Community Safety Engagement Officer (CSEO) PC Dee Stanley
📧 Email: cseo.southworcs@westmercia.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Dee Stanley
(West Mercia Police, Community Safety Engagement Officer, South Worcestershire Rurals)

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