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Top Dogs Trump Cards

Dear Resident


We would like to inform you of a new fun interaction tool with primary school children across the West Mercia Force area.


Welcome to the new Police Dog Top Trumps Cards.  There are 56 different cards, each featuring a different West Mercia police dog and some vital statistics and information about the dogs. 


In the past, when similar initiatives have been produced the cards have been gratefully received by children, who enjoy collecting them, swapping them and approaching police officers to try and collect more of them. It is a great opportunity for us to engage with children and build positive relationships. 


Our aim is to visit primary schools, attend community events, such as fetes, sporting events, festivals, street parades etc, where children will be present.  We are hoping to stop and talk to children when out patrolling, explain the cards, building some excitement about them and how they can collect all 56, by swapping and asking for more from us when seen out and about.


We will be leaving a small stack of cards with schools to hand out maybe a reward for good behaviour.

This is one of the nice and fun engagements for us to be involved and an opportunity to be involved with primary school engagement work.


If you know of a Primary School in Shrewsbury who would like some cards please do get in touch.  




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Message Sent By
Angie Roberts
(Police, Senior Police Community Support Officer, Shropshire)

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